Salem has faced hard times in the past - fires, storms, epidemics, wars, economic crisis, etc. - but throughout these dark periods, residents displayed collective strength, resiliency and perseverance. As the city once again faces a time of fear and uncertainty during COVID-19, these stories from the past of the city coming together to overcome terrible times can help to inspire us as we seek to overcome our current circumstances. The Mayor has teamed with the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem State University, The Salem News and local historians to share these stories through individual websites and blogs and collectively through #SalemTogether and this website. Every Monday a new episode in the City’s history will be explored - click on the images below to access the stories.
Please continue to check this website, which will be updated with new links to each week’s stories. If you are interesting in sharing stories as part of this initiative, please contact Patti Kelleher at pkelleher@salem.com. If you would like to share your stories of living through COVID-19, please visit the Salem Public Library’s new initiative Your Story - COVID-19 in Salem.
““We really are going to need to remember that our city has been through tough times before - these same streets and many of our buildings housed people who felt similar despair. We came together to overcome these past challenges and we need to remember that we can do it again. As a nearly 400 year old city, being able to lean on our past to help inspire, enrich and teach us as we move forward is a gift that we can share with today’s residents. ” Mayor Kimberley Driscoll. ”
#SalemTogether Partners
City of Salem Facebook page
City of Salem Twitter page
The Salem News
Streets of Salem blog
History By The Sea blog
the great depression
Week of May 11th