Preservation in a Changing Climate Resources
Recognizing the ongoing impacts of climate change on historic resources and the need for action to protect these irreplaceable assets, the City of Salem and the Salem Preservation Partners joined together in 2021 to create the Preservation in a Changing Climate initiative. As part of this effort, we are gathering information to help inform and guide planning efforts to preserve historic resources from climate change impacts. The resources below also includes information for historic property owners impacted by a changing climate.
This resource list is a work in progress and includes information shared at the 2021, 2022 and 2023 conferences:
resource websites
Sustainability, Energy, Resilience & Historic Buildings - National Park Service website
Resilient Heritage St. Augustine website
Property owner guides
Greater portland Landmarks - “Staying above water” Property Owner’s guide
Newport RI - Policy Statement and Design Guidelines for Elevating Historic Buildings
REsilient Rehab: A guide for Historic Buildings in Miami/Dade County
Boston Resilient: Historic Buildings Design Guide
Cape Cod Flood Area Design Guidelines
Treatment of Flood Damaged Older & Historic Buildings
Flood Mitigation Design Guidance for Historic Residences
Studies and Reports:
WGBH Article: The House of the Seven Gables Races to Preserve its Story before it is lost to climate change
National Park Service Guidelines on Flood Adaptation for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings
DRAFT: Massachusetts Climate Change Assessment 2022
Trustees of Reservations - State of the Coast Report 2020
2022 Sea Level Rise Technical Report
Historic New England Preservation White Papers
salem municipal vulnerability preparedness (MVP) Report and mvp risk matrix (2020)
Preservation Planning Efforts:
St. Augustine mapping system - resilient heritage
Maine Historic Preservation Commission: Climate Change and Historic resources resource page
Preservation Society of Charleston Resiliency Efforts
Silver Jackets Program
This program brings together multiple state, federal, and sometimes tribal and local agencies to reduce the risk of—and enhance response and recovery from—flooding and other natural disasters in the United States.
US Climate Resilience Toolkit
“Remembrance of Climate Futures” art Installation in Salem by Thomas Starr
Salem Sound Coastwatch
Resilient Together - Salem MA & Beverly MA
Derby Wharf - Resiliency on Salem’s Maritime Waterfront
Marblehead Municipal Light Department and Adjoining Public Lands Coastal Resilience Adaptation Strategies
Salem boards and departments: