Charter Street Cemetery Now Open to public
Charter Street Cemetery landscape Restoration completed!
New plantings and accessible pathway at the Liberty Street entrance to cemetery
Restored Charter Street entrance gate and fence with stabilized pathway and plantings
After being closed to the public for more than a year for landscape improvements, the historic Charter Street Cemetery reopened to the public for Memorial Day 2021. Visitors were welcomed with new pathways, lighting, benches and landscaping. In addition, the historic Charter Street iron fencing and gates were restored, the retaining wall along Liberty Street was stabilized and new perimeter fencing was installed.
This project was funded in part with Community Preservation Act Funds and a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council Facilities Fund.
Project Overview
In 2017, the City received a Massachusetts Cultural Council Facilities Fund grant and Community Preservation Act funds to implement Phase II landscape improvements to the Charter Street Cemetery. The project goal was to preserve the historic features of the burial ground while still allowing public access to this important heritage site. After completion of an archaeological survey, the project landscape architect worked with the City, archaeologists and the Massachusetts Historical Commission to design landscape improvements that would not impact the historic integrity of the burial ground. In late September 2019, the City received final approval from the Massachusetts Historical Commission for permission to undertake work in an historic burial ground and work commenced. Over the year, restoration work included: upgrades and stabilization of pathways; designation of an accessible entrance at Liberty Street; repairs to retaining walls; installation of new perimeter lighting, granite benches and ground cover; restoration of cast iron fencing; and replacement of existing chain link fencing. See project plan and photos below.
This project was funded in part with Community Preservation Act funds and a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council Facilities Fund.
Final Landscape Improvement Plan
Improved pathways in the cemetery
Restored entrance gates and stabilized pathways with new plantings at Charter Street